The Sat Report: Pope Francis no longer in critical condition
The situation remains complex but the Pope has passed the most critical phase
For the second day in a row, there is no mention of Pope Francis being in critical condition, but the clinical picture remains complex. Doctors want a few more days of no more set backs before stating definitively that he is in recovery, but the way things are going, we are very much moving in the right direction. This is exceedingly good news for all of us that have been praying for the Pope.
The Pope has stepped up his chest physio to twice daily, indicating that he is increasingly getting fitter. He is moving onto a Ventimask, which is used to deliver a fixed concentration of oxygen, which also indicates that doctors think he is over any acute respiratory condition, namely the bronchitis that he was initially admitted to hospital for.
Our poor Holy Father really has been through it all over the last two weeks. Admitted with bronchitis, when his nurse in Casa Santa Marta was concerned that he was getting increasingly breathless and desaturating. Contracts pneumonia in hospital, of a viral, bacterial and fungal cause. Then requires two units of blood due to low platelets, which then causes him to develop an acute kidney injury. Praise God that he has come through all this.
He really has some of the best doctors in Europe looking after him, and the whole world offering their prayers and sacrifices to Almighty God.
Here is today’s statement from the Holy See Press Office in full:
The Holy Father's clinical condition is confirmed to be improving again today.
He alternated high-flow oxygen therapy with a Ventimask. Due to the complexity of the clinical picture, further days of clinical stability are needed to clarify the prognosis.
In the morning, the Holy Father underwent respiratory physiotherapy, alternating it with rest. In the afternoon, after an additional physiotherapy session, he spent time in prayer in the chapel of his private apartment on the 10th floor, where he received the Eucharist. He then engaged in work activities.
**Edit: People on twitter are asking why the the Pope was switched to a Ventimask from nasal cannula if he is improving. This is a reasonable question, basically it is to deliver a known concentration of oxygen, because somewhat paradoxically in some patients with chronic lung disease giving too much oxygen depresses their own intrinsic drive to breathe. With a nasal cannula, even though you know the flow rate (litres/minute) and the concentration of oxygen you are delivering, the cannula are not efficient at delivering all of it, so it is impossible to know exactly how much oxygen is ventilating the lungs.
Pneumonia causes what is known as a ventilation/perfusion mismatch which leads to the hypoxemia (low oxygen in the blood), and the reason he needs oxygen therapy. Inflammatory exudate fills the tiny air sacs in the lungs meaning their is no ventilation to these areas. This is why the Holy Father is receiving chest physio to aid with the mucus clearance, with the aim to help ventilation, correcting the ventilation/perfusion mismatch. Hope that helps**
This evening the fourth of nightly rosaries for the health of Pope Francis has held in St. Peter’s Square, tonight led by Baldassare Cardinal Reina, Vicar General, with the entire Roman Curia and most of the other Cardinals resident in Rome in attendance.
Let us all please continue to pray for the Pope as he continues his recovery.
Oremus pro Pontifice nostro Francisco. Dominus conservet eum, et vivificet eum, et beatum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum eius.